September 28, 2006

This Morning's Shave

I have a confession to make. I love the little flash 'games' that overpower the masthead on Myspace pages. I know that they are shameless marketing tools. I know that the game is designed to be all but impossible to lose. Playing should almost always result in a big red bubble proclaiming me a "WINNER" and and the appearance of a popup window where all I have to do to claim my new ipod, cell phone, laptop, pda, gpu, abcdefg device is divulge an incredible amount of personal financial information, add myself to a slough of spam mail lists, click 129 ads and buy a small product from a smaller e-store front.

Honestly, I just play the game to play it. I close the popup window and play again, and sometimes again.

This morning I saw my favorite fake game ever. It is a race with the computer to be the fastest to shave the sheep. I think they should have been more to the point, though, and called it "shave a moment off of your life."

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